Message from Alex
If you remind me of myself when I was your age, I want to give you my knowledge, experience, interview skills and network.
Many years ago in a winter night, I was telling myself I would ace the interview next day for my first IBD interview in my life. 24 hours later, I couldn’t feel any worse than all of my failure combined. Since then, I vowed to make myself a better candidate. 1 year later in a rainy December day in London, I went to 3 final rounds and secured offers from Bain, BofA and DB IBD offers on the same day. After few years in the industry, I realized my true passion is to coach younger “me” on their path of their dream careers. I have been helping 300+ students and still counting.
In AW Coaching, you will get all the resources I possess. I dedicated my career to develop yours. We will exchange emails on daily basis and schedule coaching session weekly. You will have my instant messaging account and I will always stand by you. After your graduation, you will not only secure a great career path. You will have a life-long friend and coach.
About Alex Wong

After working in JPMorgan & Bain, I founded AW Coaching in 2009 to run a highly selective 1 to 1 individual long term coaching program for university students aiming for Investment Banking & Sales and Trading, Asset Management, Private Banking and Consulting Industry. In the past decade, I accumulated more than 5000 coaching hours, 4000 interviews, 1000 offers, 300 alumni, 180 LinkedIn recommendations and more private recommendations. Since this is my full-time career, students' career achievement defines my career success.
Students of mine secured offers from Bulge Bracket front office (Investment Banking Division, Sales and Trading, Research, Private Banking, Asset Management), Buy Side (Global leading PE firms, Pension Fund, Sovereign Wealth Fund, Quant Trading fund, Hedge Fund), Consulting (Mckinsey, BCG, Bain) etc. You can see the 180 public Linkedin Recommendations from my students over the past 13 years after connecting with me and check out their career journey as well as their experience working with me.